Make the taking of blood transfusion a conscience matter since the Bible forbids just the eating of blood.
Have youth programs for the congregations like basketball teams, baseball teams, etc.
Still not allow the celebration of Christmas and Easter because of the pagan origins, but allow birthdays, mother and father day celebrations. The Cart People currently love baby showers to celebrate the birth of a baby but then they can't celebrate the birth date of the same baby one year later.
Only have the best speakers give the talks on Sundays. Too many monotone, just read the outline speakers now.
Drop the members giving talks during the CLAM meetings.
Allow the JDubs to count time to visit the sick, help the elderly with chores, to visit members in nursing homes.
Not have meetings for service on Saturday mornings. We all need some time on the weekend to chill or just sleep in with no FOG (fear, obligation, guilt)
Only shun those who are disfellowshipped if they are known to be immoral or if they openly engage in opposition to the Borg.
Allow those who just want to stop being a JDub to just walk away and be treated as if they never were a Trolley Guard.
Drop the 1914 doctrine as nulite and stop talking about the end being just around the corner.
Encourage going college since in the future the graduates will have higher paying jobs for more contributions.
Stop the nonsense of 99.9% of the world's population being destroyed and only the Cart People walking thru the smoke and rubble into a paradise.
Doing the above would help with the Borgs growth and be more attractive to new people.
Sour Grapes